Rusty, Lucky, Sapphire, Miss Elle, and Lissy altogether in heaven now Our first team who never let us down, whether in the show ring, obedience and incredible family members. We learnt it all with these beautiful dogs, the do's the don'ts, the wrongs the rights. No matter what it was it was always fun working with these guys.
Timmar Cheyanne Autumn AZ Sapphire LSC !995 ~ 2004 Aust Ch: Agnodow Ylanda AZ Rusty 1996 ~ 2005 Karraine Paragon 'Miss Elle' 1998 ~ 2009 Aust Ch: Karraine Illicit Affaire A Z 'Queen Lissy' 1999 ~~ 2010 Aust Ch: Crajendo Enja AZ 'Enja' Aust Ch; Crajendo Cutting Edge AZ 'Roni' AustCh; Kadama Scotch N Soda AZ 'Cougar' Aust Ch; Karraine Daring Quest AZ 'Daire' Aust Ch Karraine Tassie Tiger 'Tigga' Kadama Just Because I Can 'Lara' Kadama Cynide 'Cindy' Kadama D'Zhivago 'Harris' Kadama Komishna Rex 'Coppa' Aust Ch Kadama Sierra Sunrise AZ 'Sally' Aust Ch: Kadama Congenieality AZ 'Ruby" Agnodow Yourgrand Roxy AZ "Roxie' Kadama Lady in Red 'Pixie' Aust Ch Kadama Check Mate AZ 'Shrek' Kadama Littlest Outlaw 'Mickey' Aust Ch Kadama Colour OfMagick 'Flash'
Rest peaceful beautiful dogs Doreen Killingworth, NSW, Australia Email : [email protected] |